10 Mind-Blowing Cleaning Hacks That Will Change the Way You Clean Your Home Forever

7. Clean Your Washing Machine Like a Pro with this Simple but Powerful Hack

Cleaning your washing machine is an important task that should be done regularly to ensure that it works at its full potential and to keep your clothes looking and smelling clean. One of the most common problems that can occur in a washing machine is mold buildup, but it can be easily eliminated with the use of bleach, warm water, and a clean towel or cloth.

To start, use gloves when handling bleach and make a solution of 1 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of warm water. Use this solution to clean the rubber gasket, the detergent dispenser, and the inside of the door. The bleach will kill mold spores and remove any odor. After you finish cleaning, leave the doors open for ventilation.

In addition to using bleach, you can also use vinegar and warm water to clean the detergent dispenser and the inside of the door. The acidity in vinegar helps to break down mineral buildup and removes any lingering odors.

By following these steps, you can easily clean your washing machine, get rid of mold and other unpleasant odors, and ensure that your clothes look and smell fresh.

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